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Google Dart..searing for targets...!!

Hey ..guys you know Google is not lunching some thing with out any statistical plan.They are trying expand there authority very field these days.Not just touching tech Google created the Go programming language in 2009 for its own internal use. That language was developed as an alternative to existing system implementation languages (C++, Java, Python), which Google found either overly complex, slow to compile, or slow in production. Google hasn't evangelized Go, but is likely to pull out all the stops for Dart.
This little part taking from dart official website.These design goals address the following problems currently facing web developers:

Small scripts often evolve into large web applications with no apparent structure—they’re hard to debug and difficult to maintain. In addition, these monolithic apps can’t be split up so that different teams can work on them independently. It’s difficult to be productive when a web application gets large.
Scripting languages are popular because their lightweight nature makes it easy to write code quickly. Generally, the contracts with other parts of an application are conveyed in comments rather than in the language structure itself. As a result, it’s difficult for someone other than the author to read and maintain a particular piece of code.
With existing languages, the developer is forced to make a choice between static and dynamic languages. Traditional static languages require heavyweight toolchains and a coding style that can feel inflexible and overly constrained.
Developers have not been able to create homogeneous systems that encompass both client and server, except for a few cases such as Node.js and Google Web Toolkit (GWT).
Different languages and formats entail context switches that are cumbersome and add complexity to the coding process.

above code exposing how dart same as java script.